My name is Anna Kaźmierak.
I am an illustrator and graphic designer based in Poland.
After completing a degree in graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, I began working as a graphic designer and illustrator. Heavily influenced by the aesthetics of folk art and children's painting, I play with vivid colors and textures to capture the world.
In addition to illustrating children’s books I also run folk art-inspired art workshops for children and adults.
I explore the traditional culture of the Polish countryside in various ways and draw artistic inspiration from it.
Published books:
Are you hiding, little rooster?, Publisher: Wydawnictwo Wytwórnia, Warsaw 2023
Turons, Żandars, Herods: A Folk Masquerade, Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, Warsaw 2019
People Don’t Bite, written by Tomasz Kwaśniewski, photography: Anna Bedyńska,, bookdesign: Anna Kaźmierak, Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, Warsaw 2022
Xin chào! Vietnam for the inquisitive , written by Tôn Vân Anh and Monika Utnik-Strugała, illustrations: Anna Kaźmierak, Publisher: Wydawnictwo Dwie Siostry, Warsaw 2020
Morpheus Dream, written by Jerzy Moszkowicz, Justyna Bednarek, illustations: Anna Kaźmierak,
publisher: Wydawnictwo Miejskie Posnania, Poznań 2022
Handbook of the traditions of the Goat Region, Publisher: Tres Foundation, Zbaszyn 2017

photo: Piotr Baczewski

Here you can see how I make books:

Making of Elementarz Tradycji Regionu Kozła

I like to share my skills with others, especially with children.
Here you can see how I make workshops:

O światach


O wężu i bocianie

Jak malować kotka na ludowo

W co się ubrać na kolędowanie

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